Travel grant

Details on travel grant program for those who need travel funding support

For those who have difficulties raising fund for travel to host city(or country) for attending UbuCon Asia, The Committee provides travel grant for selected applicants.

Travel grant application is now open and you may submit one if you need funding from us. If you’re submitting application as a proposal submitter(speaker), make sure to submit by deadline of call for proposals.

Please note that since our budget is always limited, we won’t be able to approve application from everyone. We’ll be accepting in order with our own priority. So, Depending on your Ubuntu and opensource community involvement, Your contribution on UbuCon Asia(this event), and other factors, We may approve full or partial grant or reject your application.

Travel grant schedule

See Important dates

How to apply

See details on Travel grant documentation

Contribute to travel grant

While fund for travel grant comes from sponsorships from corporates and ticket fees income, We often found it’s not enough to sponsor travel of enough number of participants especially those who contributes a lot to the event such as event organizers and speakers.

Thus, we encourage individuals like you to contribute to our event fund by donating amount of money you want. Your financial contributions will enable us to gather more diverse people from Ubuntu and FOSS Community across Asia which is one of our important goals. To apreciate your finaicial contribution, Your name will be featured on “Become a patron” page.

Learn more & Contribute to Travel Grant today!